Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Messy House/Messy mind

This saying has been playing a HUGE part in my life right now.
Because I have been sick for the last few weeks the house work has been a distance thought as I have been struggling to survive (i know major drama queen) from the comfort of my lounge.
My amazing hubby has been working hard at his new job, though it now means he works 2 jobs, one during the day and one at night (he loves a challenge lol), which has left most of the house duties to me. Well that is not working well at the moment.
Today I arrived for my incredible mumma to babysit little man so that i could get stuck into the disaster zone.
Hopefully I can get through most of it but I think its going to be a 2 or more day job.
I know though how important it is for me to have my house in order for the exact reason the saying says, My mind right now is not coping with all the mess and its not functioning to the best of my ability.
Even my writing is off. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I need some freedom and I'm going to do whatever I can to get it.
See you all on the other side.

Kristie xx

p.s Any of you lovely ladies got some great tips for keeping organised in your house? Or where I can get more motivation from lol?

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have been feeling a little under the weather the past few days and have enjoyed greatly the quiet time that comes with the big boy being at school and the littlest man being asleep.

I have chosen to not do much but sit on my couch and just be still.
What it has consisted of is no music, no TV, just me and my online sisterhood.
There are some certain girls in my world you have been extremely refreshing for my soul.
Girls whose words of comfort and encouragement have seen me through extreme pain and sadness, and moments of just needing a kind word to left a damper day.

You may be struggling with stuff in your life that has left your soul feeling a little battered and bruised, I too have been and I my advice to you....

Go check out these sweet, encouraging blogs from some beautiful girls I feel privileged to call my friends, even if we have never meet in person :)

Stacey at Blogs Tea & Me
Em at duck-blue egg and teacups too
Jo at Warrior Princess Lessons

There are plenty more I love but for my season right now these girls are the bomb.

Thank you to Stacey for the initial idea and shout out. I believe we all need a little encouragement every now and again.

Kristie xx